Friday, November 12, 2010

Welcome, abandon all hope all ye who enter!!

Hello there.
You've been invited to hang out in my treehouse to keep me company for the duration of my banning from because Im soooo lonely =* (
It seems the powers that be over there have once again decided that they had enough of my aserbic wit and came up with another lame rule just so they could ban me
I like Perspectives, it suits my purpose. I just don't like the nanny-state moderators. When I first landed there six years ago the place was pretty wide open but as time went on they kept coming up with rules to squeeze the conversations down to near sterilization
Anyways I still "lurk" at the site. I have snuck in under different alliases but Jeffro, chief mod and headwaiter, has a particular bug up his ass about me and sends me threatening PMs of a perma-ban if i keep it up. So I created this blog to vent me views until my ban is up, but I expect to stay there only a short while until they come up with a newer "atta rule" to ban me with
I find it quite ironic that rightwing teabaggers like LoT decry the "nanny-state" while they are the ones who demand a nannier nanny-state at perspectives to protect their sensitive egos
Here we can chat about the board and it's members free of official retaliation, or just chat about anything we like.
I would like to grab a few perspectives threads and give my answers via exile, starting with...